В этом году в Первенстве приняли участие 257 профессиональных спортсменов из 51 города РФ: Москва, Аша, Балашиха, Белгород, Белоруссия, Благовещенск, Владивосток, Владикавказ, Воронеж, Домодедово, Долгопрудный, Екатеринбург, Железнодорожный, Иваново, Истра, Калининград, Казань, Королев, Красногорск, Кисловодск, Ленинский, Липецк, Мытищи, Новочеркаск, Нижний Новгород, Нижний Тагил, Обнинск, Одинцово, Павловский Посад, Пушкино, Раменское, Ростов-на-Дону, Руза, Рязань, Самара, Санкт-Петербург, Саранск, Севастополь, Симферополь, Смоленск, Солнечногорск, Томск, Тула, Тольятти, Тюмень, Уфа, Химки, Хабаровск, Череповец, Южно-Сахалинск, Ялта. Из них — 160 москвичей. Всего на турнире сыграно 255 матчей.
Победители основного турнира:
Возрастная группа — «9-10 лет» : Элиас Даниэль (г. Москва) , Кононенко Амелия (г. Химки)
Возрастная группа — «до 13 лет»: Горский Григорий (г. Красногорск) , Баздерова Анна (г. Москва)
Возрастная группа — «до 15 лет»: Харламов Роман (г. Химки) , Миллер Катарина (г. Москва)
Возрастная группа — «до 19 лет»: Яковлев Арсентий (г. Москва) , Павлова Полина (г. Москва)
Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021
13-летние тоже разыграли свои кубки
Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021 13letAlex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021 13letAlex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021 13letAlex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021 13letAlex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021 13letAlex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021 13letAlex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021
Ну, вот и завершилось Первенство! Последними свои призы разыграли 19-летние.
Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021 19letAlex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021 19letAlex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021 19letAlex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021 19letAlex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021 19letAlex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021 19letAlex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021
26 июня 2021 г. — полуфиналы на «Белокаменной»
Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021
Наш фотограф Валентин Миронов побывал на кортах НТЦ им. Х.А.Самаранча
Первый день Первенства на «Белокаменной»
Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021Alex-tennis photographer ATP WTA Junior Championship of Moscow Summer 2021